Kimono's definition in the English dictionary is a "wearing thing". But, in reality, kimonos are one of the most fashionable attires from Eastern Culture.
Set back in the Heian period kimono was born. Straight cuts from a fabric which is then sewn together to create a garment to fit every body type. By design, kimonos are easy to wear and infinitely adaptable. After the Heian period, Edo Dynasty evolved kimonos. They become unisex outer garments called "kosode". Kosode meant "small sleeve" which was characterized by smaller armholes. After Edo Dynasty, Meiji Period in 1868, kosodes become kimonos.
During the Edo era, kosode was visibly a unifying cultural marker for the Japanese. As Western influence has not been reached, kimonos have become the Japanese identifier. Kimonos and Kosodes could be worn regardless of age and gender.
Like most historic societies kosode had messages worked into the garment. Style, motif, fabric, technique, and color explained who you were. The higher class used more durable fabric while lower-class kosodes had sewn from everything, so there is none intact today.
Each era in Japan represented Kosodes in a different form and message. Poetry, painting, and lacquerware were parts of these messages which still being used in Kimonos. In essence, kosodes were a symbol of communication.
When the time pass, kosodes become more durable and durable. This was due to technological advancements and Western influence. In the Meiji period, some other cultures are influenced by this garment. This reach made Kosodes known as Kimono.
As Vesper, we created our kimonos without any prints but with high-quality fabric. The logic underlying our kimonos as Vesper is that the goddesses are calm, powerful, and take their show off from their power. Goddesses are beyond prints and messages, but they reflect simplicity and elegance. Today's goddesses also carry this message in their kimonos, and our goddesses should wear kimonos, not vice versa.